Recent discoveries
of water reserves under some of Africa’s mightiest deserts raise hopes for
quenching African thirst. But the reality is much more grim. From parched
desert to tropical forest, roughly 40 percent of Africans, mostly the
rural poor, will not get access to clean water any time soon, a fact that
exacerbates poverty, hunger, and disease. Indeed, every year, dirty water kills
an estimated 750,000 African children under the age of five.

Meanwhile, a
doubling of the continent’s population in the first quarter of this century is
set to significantly increase demand for Africa’s water too, risking
groundwater depletion and a gradual destruction of precious ecosystems.
My first
take is that we need to get serious about water, which is central to several
critical challenges from health and hunger to energy and security. Water is
more than a commodity – it’s a source of life and livelihoods. Every culture in
the world recognizes water as the source of all life, and yet the international
community has held back from giving access to water the prominence and backing
it deserves.
The #UnitedNations
took a major step forward when it officially recognized water as a
fundamental human right in 2010, but aid still falls far short of the levels
required to deliver clean water for all.
killing Africa’s children, dirty water can reduce school attendance, especially
for girls, cause political instability, and constrain productivity. As we note
in recent Africa Progress Report, Africa loses an estimated $28 billion
every year through lack of access to safe drinking water and adequate
sanitation. European governments realized in the 19th century that failing
to invest in clean water and sanitation was the ultimate false economy. But, in
urban slums across Africa, unclean water and lack of sanitation is still a
source of disease.
inequalities compound social tensions too. Poor households in the slums of
cities such as Lagos or Nairobi are paying more for their water than the rich,
who are served by water utilities. Unequal access means that poorer urban
residents pay as much as 50 times more per liter of water than their
richer neighbors. In the Nairobi slum of Kibera, for example, some of the
world’s poorest people buy some of its most expensive water. Meanwhile,
sprinklers water the greens of Nairobi’s nearby golf club.
That brings
me to the second priority. Over recent years, we have seen whole swathes
of Africa’s agricultural land and water resources bought up by foreign
investors. Governments in the region must stop the land grabs and put Africa’s
food security front and center of their national priorities.
With oil and
food prices rising, many foreign investors have viewed Africa’s unused
agricultural land as a high-profit opportunity for food and biofuel production.
One influential recent report told investors that Africa has as many as
600 million hectares of uncultivated arable land – 60 percent of the global
total. Indeed, between 2000 and 2011, Africa saw 948 land deals, covering 124
million hectares, an area larger than France, Germany, and the United Kingdom
combined. Many of these land deals involve countries along the Nile and Niger
rivers, whose water will be used to irrigate thirsty agricultural schemes.
But for
communities throughout Africa, land is more than just an economic asset. It
represents life, livelihoods, culture and identity. And modern history is
littered with disastrous attempts to maximize agricultural production by
diverting major rivers and lakes. In the middle of a Central Asian desert,
ships sit abandoned where the Aral Sea used to be before Soviet planners
diverted its tributaries for cotton.
farmers and communities need protection against large-scale speculative land
purchases, which often result in the eviction of smallholders, sometimes by
force, and typically with minimal compensation.
Land deals
should be carefully assessed and a moratorium considered until legislation can
protect smallholder farmers and communities. The African Union should develop a
framework for managing foreign investment in agriculture. African leaders
should also invest in water management systems to reduce waste and
Africa, women and girls often carry responsibility for a household’s water
supply and sanitation. In several countries, most notably in East Africa, more
than a quarter of the population spends more than half an hour per round trip
to fetch water. More time finding water means less time and energy for other
activities such as childcare, income generation, and school attendance.
Water is the
ultimate trans-boundary resource, flowing across national borders. Throughout
Africa, countries share water sources such as rivers, lakes, and groundwater.
Countries that build dams or invest in large-scale irrigation schemes need
to recognize that their actions will have consequences downstream. As the
stresses on water systems mount, the risk increases that competing claims will
fuel a drift towards water wars.
Anyone Doing Anything?
organizations somehow, somewhere, are doing something about this? Right? This
is the natural response of those of us who unthinkingly use clean water to
flush our toilets and allow grey water to be piped into the sewer systems of
our communities.
that thought many of us have when we read about water-distressed systems
worldwide is right. Well-meaning help of all kinds, from missionary groups to
hundreds if not thousands of non-government organizations to the #WorldBank and
the #UnitedNations to the #WorldHealthOrganization to inter-agency coordinated
efforts to private foundations with substantial granting means to individual
governments to the largess of western countries—all of them are players in
attempting to solve the water problems of the world.
even the best laid plans of sophisticated systems often go awry. Evidence of
this is the estimated 50,000 wells in Africa dug by well-meaning organizations
that now lie broken, abandoned and non-functional; a dismal testament to good
intentions gone bad. Really bad.
the logistics and issues around providing access to clean water is
overwhelmingly complex and challenging, but the basic facts are clear. There is
a limited amount of this precious resource—and for many, what’s available is
either unclean, or inaccessible.
Africa needs
significantly more than the roughly $ 2.6 billion it gets at present. That
may be a tall order in these fiscally straitened times. But it will be a small
price to pay for investments that could protect millions from hunger, poverty,
and disease and help put the world’s poorest region on a pathway to greater
Governments must build relationships with each other to prevent water stress
from turning into conflicts; no single intervention is more likely to have a
significant impact on global poverty than the provision of safe water. Safe and
readily available water is a human right and an important contributor to public
health. Improved access to safe water and sanitation boosts economic growth,
contributes to poverty reduction, and is fundamental to achieving the goals of
improved health and education, greater food security, and improved environmental
Finally ,Let’s
all Imagine a world where everyone has access to clean water… where mothers can
provide safe water to their children… where sickness doesn’t rob those children
of their education and childhood. Let’s imagine a world where money doesn’t
have to be spent purchasing medication for preventable diseases, but is,
instead, spent feeding their children. Finally let’s imagine a world where
parents can feel healthy enough to work and earn a living so they can help
change their world for the better. #WaterAccess #Sustainability #SDG6 #SDGS
#HumanityandInclusivity #AfricaWaterSolutions #SustainableCommunities
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