Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The globe needs to take more sustainable measures to better protect our environment

Today June 5 marks the #WorldEnvironmentDay, an initiative to encourage awareness and action to protect our environment. It is an opportunity for people to do something positive for the environment. Over the years, it has grown into a global platform for public outreach that is celebrated by stakeholders in more than 100 countries. 
This year World Environment Day looks to encourage everyone to consider how we can make changes in our everyday lives to reduce the amount of air pollution we produce. The goal is to raise awareness of human impact and encourage positive actions that conserve the natural world for today and future generations.
The theme of World Environment Day 2019 invites us all to consider how we can change our everyday lives to reduce the amount of air pollution we produce. Air pollution is a global emergency affecting everyone. Approximately 7 million people worldwide die prematurely each year from air pollution, with about 4 million of these deaths occurring in Asia-Pacific. 
As the world’s population grows, so does the amount of garbage that is produced. Plastics are especially harmful because they are composed of major toxic pollutants. They have been found everywhere from Mount Everest to the bottom of the sea, causing air, water, and land pollution and creating problems for plants, wildlife, and humans.  June 5 is just one day that reminds us to protect our environment, but in fact, we should pay attention to our environment everyday at any situation.
Preventive action is the most effective action in protecting our environment;

1. Use Reusable Bags
Plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown out end up in landfills or in other parts of the environment. These can suffocate animals who get stuck in them or may mistake them for food. Also, it takes a while for the bags to decompose. Whether you are shopping for food, clothes or books, use a reusable bag.
2. Print as Little as Necessary
We have all had that teacher that wanted us to have a copy of every single reading when we come to class, or that professor who wanted a hard copy of the ten-page paper that is due next week. These are fine but it seems as if they do not understand that using so much paper is detrimental to the environment.
3. Recycle
Recycling is such a simple thing to do, but so many people don’t do it. Many garbage disposal companies offer recycling services, so check with the company you use to see if they can help you get started. Another way to recycle is to look for recycling cans near trashcans. Instead of throwing recyclables in the trash with your non-recyclables, make a point to take an extra step to locate recycling cans around your community.
4. Use a Reusable Beverage Containers
Instead of buying individually-packaged drinks, consider buying a bulk container of the beverage you want and buying a reusable water bottle. Not only will this help the environment, but it will also help you save money since you are buying a bulk container.
5. Save Electricity!
Use energy-efficient light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. They last longer, which will save you a bit of money (every little bit helps on a college budget, right?). Make you turn off lights, the TV, and other appliances when you are not using them. Lower your air conditioning or heat when it’s not necessary. This is especially true for between seasons. Open your windows in the early fall or layering your clothes in the early fall.
6. Save Water
Water is wasted more frequently than we can see. Turn off the faucet as you are brushing your teeth. Don’t turn your shower on until you’re ready to get in and wash your hair. Limit your water usage as you wash dishes. Changing old habits will be good for both the environment and your wallet!
7. Avoid Taking Cars or Carpool When Possible
Cars are harmful to the environment. Taking public transportation, walking, or riding a bike to class are better options that help the environment and your budget, as well as getting some exercise in! If you do need to use your car, compare schedules and places of residency with those in your area. You can split the cost of gas and have alternating schedules for who drives when. This is cheaper than everyone driving separately and you’ll be closer with friends.
Finally, we all remember that a clean environment is essential for healthy living. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and cancer, among other problems and diseases. Water pollution can lead to typhoid, diarrheal diseases, and other water-related diseases. Therefore we should keep our environment clean and protected.

To better protect our environment, let us all join together, government, business, nongovernment organizations and individuals to act with better laws and regulations, better implementation and better behavior of our individuals. #WorldEnvironmentDay #Sustainability #BeatAirPollution#SDG15

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