The twenty-first century presents a hostile face to many millions of
children in many African countries. An increasing number of children are being
forced to the streets as result of poverty, abuse, torture, rape abandonment or
orphaned by AIDS. Human rights violations against children today have become a
common and disturbing occurrence in many African countries.
Hunger, poverty, violence
and armed conflicts mean that millions of African children are fleeing - alone
or with their families. War is raging in many countries of the African
continent: millions of children are living in constant terror in the midst of
terror and violence. In countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Chad, Somalia, Sudan or south sudan child soldiers are still recruited.
I contend that the problem of street children remains a
forgotten tragedy and is set to have a devastating impact on the development of
African counties. My research indicates that the response to the problem has at
best been muted and remains ignored or sidelined by the government and the
general public.
Key players who are supposed to play a leading role in finding
a solution to the problem have become the major source of the problem.
Government policies that embrace liberalization and the free market economy are
contributory factors to the persistent state of poverty and increased hardship
with children being affected most.
,there are over 35 million street children in Africa alone, although it is hard
to get up to date statistics for street children, because, by their very nature
they are elusive and different to collect data about. As such statistics for
street children are often out of date, but they do show patterns. Here are some
recent street children statistics:
A study in Ethiopia found that street children normally
worked 2-3 hours a day on the streets both before and after school. Most
children in Ethiopia start working the streets at around 10yrs old.
There are approximately one million children living on the
streets of Cairo, although the impact of the recent revolution there is not yet
known. 82% of these children cite abuse at home for their circumstances. 30% of
these children reported that they took drugs to relieve pain, hunger and
There are a reported third of a million children living on
the streets of Kenya with girls often forced into prostitution earning just 30p
for each client.
Over 95% of street children in Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria
have been stigmatised as child witches and abandoned by their parents and
forced to live on the streets.
In South Africa most street children are aged between
13-14yrs and state they end up on the streets because of family poverty,
overcrowding, abuse, neglect, family disintegration and HIV/AIDS.
Particularly critical is the situation in Nigeria, Ethiopia
and Niger. African kids work on plantations, in mines, quarries or
factories. Often they are forced to prostitute themselves. Most child
laborers are exploited and have no chance of attending school because they have
neither the time nor the strength to learn.
Denial of basic human and legal rights including the right to life,
liberty and security as a person to children are now a defining feature of the
African socio-economic landscape. If one ever gets into the city centre at an
early hour they are bound to be met by the sight of a group of children huddled
in groups sleeping on cardboard boxes with large plastic bags covering their
bodies for the provision of warmth. Those who are lucky and have met a donor or
two have a blanket, but for the majority it is the cold hard floor of a shop
entrance that serves as a bed every night of the year unless of course if they
have been thrown into juvenile prison for one ‘misdemeanour’ or another.
It is hard to imagine for many in
Africa, a life without any form of social safety net. There is no state
provision for these children only non-government organizations who do what they
can. If these children do not beg, steal or rob they would literally starve to
death. They have no prospect of an education and so no prospect of a job or
providing for any children they may have in the future. Unless people like
yourself are prepared to help, these children will have no future.
A big issue with street children is that they have no
identity, no formal education, no skill and no institutional support. They are
very visible on the street but often ignored by their governments and rejected
by the communities they live in. Streets do not provide any protection for such
children. They are caught up in a vicious cycle of abuse, exploitation,
mistreatment, violence, poverty and unemployment ending in a lifetime struggle.
The struggle to survive and integrate has created
instead of a group of needy children seeking help earnestly, a pack of hungry
wolves willing to do anything to take care of each other and keep themselves
fed. It is easy to see the children more as a nuisance but it is simply the
effect of the marginalisation and abuse that is rampant on the streets and this
same effect has led some of them to crime, taking into the consideration the
gangs of street kids that for years ruled the city centre of Harare snatching
everything from sunglasses to phones from pedestrians.
It is common place in most cities around Africa to see
either a group of youth or one boy or girl roaming around asking for money,
doing odd jobs, in a corner sniffing glue or getting harassed by the police or
even another group of street children. They loiter around poorly dressed often
barefoot looking sickly, they are seen yet unseen, pitied but alas poorly
assisted and most of all struggling but unassisted.

The family, which is supposed to be the bedrock of
children's welfare and protection, is today becoming a major cause of the
problem of street children. Parents are sending their children into the streets
to beg, steal or engage in petty trade, children are leaving their homes to
escape domestic violence or because of the breaking up of family structures.
Schools are turning into centers of violence and crime and creating an
environment to puts more children on the streets.
Furthermore, i contend that government policies directed by
structural adjustment programmes are responsible for putting more and more
children on to the streets as a result of increasing poverty instead of
devising policies that will ensure the welfare of children and the society in
The general public pretends not to notice the plight of an
increasing number of destitute children on our streets. There is at present no
real alarm or outrage from the general public on the increasing number of
children on our streets even though these children face starvation, are at the
mercy of unscrupulous individuals and a brutal police force.
Numerous homes have been erected all around Africa in a
gesture to show love for this group of society but the biggest thorn across all
borders is the stigma that people have towards the scrawny unkempt children of
the streets whose fate has been decided not by them but merely by chance, the
only way to ever properly address the African street child is to be rid of the
stigma and bring onto the stage governments with an agenda to develop Africa
through its youth
In this article, you will know the tips and common
information about how to help street children as outlined below;
Street children’s problems
Street children’s problems
To reach out the problems of the street children
and how to help street children who are facing a number of problems
including protection, shelter, limited access to food and the education, we may
go to them directly to know the intensity of their problems. We may not be able
to help them out from getting them out of all their problems, but perhaps we
can solve some of them.
Public awareness
about how to help street children
Many of the public don’t even know about the street
children. Awareness mean that the we can inform as more people as we can about
the problems of the street children and what can we do to help street children.
The increasing of the public awareness can be very helpful in this regard. We
can state the people by telling the stories of different kinds of street
children. By sharing the problems of the street children to those who even
don’t know about the problems faced by the street children and what can we do
to help street children. For this, we need to go to the door to door to make
the people sure that they are ready to help out these children.
Development centers
should be raised
Development places are the best organizations and the
services for street children. If we want to help the street children, there is
dire need to analyze the problems of these children and know the ways of how to
help street children. Development centers help the street children at large
scale as they know more about their problems and know the better solutions to
their problems. These development centers may also help us to know about the
reasons of street children and also let us know how to help street children.
These development centers offer and provide the street children all the
facilities that the common children enjoy at their homes. These centers never
let the children feel that they are in the centers, not in their home. The
teachers of these centers are often qualified and help the children and we also
may get the key points of about how do to help street children.
The staff of these centers feels comfort to inform us the
problems of these children and methods to help them in easy practice.
In spite, we know all the methods about what can we do to help
street children, nevertheless, we cannot help them as the development centers
help them as they have all the facilities and tools to care these children. The
goal of the development centers in how to help street children for street
children are to make them ready to take part in all the healthy activities of
The role of schools:
The role of education in how to help street children is always
to create the big personalities for the country and the world. But the schools
can also prepare the children so that the children may not resort to the
negative activities such as drug addiction, especially for street children.
Schools can teach the children and help the child to become an engineer, a
doctor, or a pilot as the others normal children. If the school knows how
to solve the problem of street children, it may solve them immediately.
The experienced and skilled qualified staff of the teachers
at schools always knows the problems of the school children and we can have
their help too to know all about the problems of the street children and ways
how to solve the problem of street children. There are playgrounds for the
children and the community to make them perfect. The schools can take these
children to schools to decrease their number. In this way, they can decrease
the number of schools children if they recognize how to solve the problem of
street children as well as their interest of the children to leave their houses
and go to the streets.
Volunteers work for
the street children:
The public welfare free workers always exist to work in the
favor for the street children as they are willing to know the problems and know
the ways how to solve the problem of street children. They work for the public
free of cost; therefore, it is very advisable to get their services for the
street children to decrease the number. The increase in the number of
volunteers may be very helpful in decreasing the number of street children. To
know the ways how to solve the problem of street children, we must know the
problem they are facing.
Every one of us can
help the street children:
Every one of us can do something to decrease the number of
street children. We can make them understand to prefer the house life than
street life. How to solve the problem of street children is a topic that should
be discussed widely and we need to provide financial support to these children
to make big changes in their lives. There is another way to know how to solve
the problem of street children; we can go through them to find out the actual
reason of leaving them their houses. If they are forced, we need to find out
the reasons.
Responses by
No doubt, some governments have held programs to tackle with
street children, the general solution of how to solve the problem of street
children placing the street children into, juvenile homes, orphanages, or
correctional institutions. Struggles have also been made by a number of governments
to help or to support with semi-government services.
International organizations, charitable foundations and
philanthropists should focus on this often “ignored” issue. By developing new programs for the
rehabilitation of street children and by supporting organizations that are
already engaged in this worthwhile cause, we can transform millions of lives
which otherwise would be at risk of being completely wasted.
The rehabilitation of street children is something that
child focused organizations have also been trying to implement, and although
results are often poor, progress is at times noted with some children turning
from lives of crime and drug abuse and taking interest in technical work that
the same organizations offer.
The general public, instead of, the organizations and the
institutions that care street children, may also assist the street children and
help the government to realize how to solve the problem of street children. The
rehabilitation centers also play an important role in healing the street
children and make them prepare to resort again to their home as the streets are
not their home.
If you are interested in helping street and homeless
children, you can volunteer to work in shelters and other programs in your
area, or donate funds or supplies to organizations that work with street youth.
You can also participate in legislative efforts and write letters to your area Representative
urging him/her to support increased funding for programs in any of your country
that assist street children.
Finally, you can
raise awareness of this issue by educating yourself, your peers, colleagues,
students, teachers, family members, and others around you interested in this
issue. #StandforStreetChild #Humanity #ChildRights #BetterLiving #HumanRights
#ChildrenInNeed #Inclusivity #ChildDevelopment
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