Monday, November 25, 2019

We must eliminate gender-based violence once and for all

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, observed every year on 25 November, highlights that violence against women and girls is still one of the most widespread and devastating human rights violations across the globe.

Violence against women touches every society on this globe. It happens everywhere: at home, at work, in schools and universities, on the street, in public transport, online, at festivals and sport events. One in every three of women worldwide has experienced either physical and/or sexual violence. Around half of women have experienced verbal, physical or online sexual harassment.

Child marriage still occurs in every region of the world. About 12 million girls under 18 marry each year - one every two seconds. Married girls often quickly become pregnant, drop out of school and are at higher risk of domestic violence than women who marry as adults. At least 200 million women and girls alive today have undergone female genital mutilation in 30 countries.

We have to change the perception in our societies that harassing or being violent to a woman is normal and accepted behaviour. We are all responsible to say no, openly reject acts of violence or harassment, and stand by the victims.

Eradicating violence against women and girls is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is a first step towards global peace and security, a precondition for the promotion, protection and fulfilment of human rights, gender equality, democracy, and economic growth.

We must eliminate gender-based violence once and for all. A life free of violence is an inalienable and fundamental right. Violence must stop now.

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