Africa is in the midst of an education crisis. Despite
pledges to improve access to education for all children by 2030, many African
governments are failing to fund this ambitious component of the UN
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). There is still time to address the
financing shortfall, but only if new investment strategies are embraced with
Today, roughly half of the world’s young people, including
some 400-million girls are not being educated to succeed in the workplace
of the future.
This challenge is most
acute in Africa; although 75% of girls in Sub-Saharan Africa start school, only
8% complete secondary education. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only region where
women still do not enroll in or graduate from tertiary education at the same
rates as men.

These problems are well known, if not always addressed. Less
understood is the contradictory impact that Africa’s future growth will have on
the availability of education funding.
By 2030, nearly 30 countries in Africa are expected to have
reached lower middle-income status, defined by the World Bank as a per
capita gross national income (GNI) between $1 026 and $4 035. As countries
approach this level of development, new investments will be needed to pay for
health and education upgrades, and mobilizing domestic tax revenue will become
a critical component of budgeting strategies.
At the moment, however, estimated tax revenues in most
countries will be insufficient to cover the costs associated with
improving educational outcomes. As a result, an education-funding crisis
threatens to dash hopes of sustained rapid growth and lasting prosperity.
Traditional forms of international aid will continue to play
a role in the development of Africa’s education sector. And yet, owing to the
projected increases in GNI, most lower-middle-income countries will no longer
qualify for the grants and low- or zero-interest loans that are currently
available. As a result, millions of young Africans will suffer the effects of a
paradox in international development: countries will be too prosperous to
qualify for the best funding options, but too poor to meet the educational
needs of their citizens on their own.
Fortunately, the International Commission on Financing
Global Education Opportunity, where I serve as a commissioner, has helped to
develop a solution. Called the International Finance Facility for
Education, this innovative approach aims to help lower-middle-income countries
invest in education — especially programs for women and girls — in more
sustainable ways.
By leveraging $2-billion in donor guarantees, we aim to
deliver about $10-billion in grant and concessional education funding to
countries that need it most. But there is a catch: governments seeking to
access these funds must first demonstrate an interest in and capacity for
long-term educational reform.
This approach is designed to improve grants’ effectiveness
and give countries the ability to strengthen their economic resilience with a
better-educated workforce. Research shows that in lower-middle-income
countries, every $1 spent on education increases the earning power of graduates
by $4. In other words, our long-term goal is broader than building schools or
teaching math; it is to create conditions for lasting social and economic
Similar funding strategies have already proved to be
successful in the health-care sector. For example, the International
Finance Facility for Immunization was created to provide financing
for GAVI, the vaccine alliance. Eventually, billions of dollars in new
funding was mobilized to help vaccinate more than 640-million children and save
over nine million lives. The economic returns were also dramatic; one study
that surveyed outcomes in 73 countries found that every $1 spent on immunizations
translated into $18 in healthcare-related savings. The education finance
facility has the potential to produce a similar impact.
Furthermore, While
universal primary education is still advancing, with more children in school
than ever before in our global history, there are still barriers. Poverty
remains the biggest obstacle to children’s schooling. The costs of school fees
can be prohibitive and, even where school is free, inability to afford
uniforms, school supplies and transportation can still keep children out of the
When livelihoods are insecure, children are taken out of
school to work, to bring in an income for families to just get by. While the
cost of sending a child to school is not a significant, it is more than what a
poor family can often afford and tough choices are made about who goes to
school and who doesn’t, who completes their education and who doesn’t.
Tough choices translate into children not completing primary
or secondary school, and post-secondary is far out of reach for the majority.
For orphans and vulnerable children, such as homeless children and children
living in abject poverty, school attainment is further reduced. The barrier is
poverty, not ability, and the barrier to access perpetuates the poverty
barrier. Education is an investment in children, in families, in
sustainable health and development and is all about equitable futures and in
creating long-term positive social change.
Finally, Millions
of young people around the world, and particularly young girls in Africa, are
failing to excel because they continue to be denied access to quality
education. With just 11 years to go before the expiration of the #SDGs, Africa’s
education crisis must be moved to the top of the development agenda. Government
leaders routinely claim that children are our future. If they truly believe it,
programs like the International Finance Facility for Education must be given
the priority they deserve.
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